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Mindfulness Meditation Can Help People in All Stages of Substance Use

A groundbreaking study conducted in the Frontiers in Psychiatry revealed an essential insight: meditation can be a valuable support system for people in the five stages of substance use.

  • Meditation offers crucial support across all five stages of substance use, a recent study shows.
  • The five stages, from first use to addiction, can be better navigated with meditation, which aids in emotional regulation and reduces anxiety and depression.
  • Combining meditation with other treatments enhances the recovery process, providing a valuable additional layer of support for those facing substance use challenges.


image of a woman meditating with a dog nearby
Mindfulness meditation can help patients manage their addiction in all stages of substance use.

Which Are the Five Stages of Substance Use?

Understanding the five stages of substance use is crucial to truly assess how meditation can make a difference. These five stages are first use, continued use, tolerance, dependence, and addiction. Although the most dangerous stage is addiction, even the first use plays a bigger part than we might think. This experimental stage acts as a trap because it gives the user a good sensation, making them want to return.

Multiple studies have proven that meditation can delay the progression to a further stage of substance use. For example, a research of fifty-four randomized controlled trials published in the Frontiers in Psychiatry journal proves the importance of mindfulness meditation in such cases.


How Can Meditation Help People Manage Substance Use?

The study primarily centered around applying mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs), examining how meditation techniques could effectively assist individuals at all stages of substance use. For instance, meditation emerged as a powerful tool for better emotional regulation. This newfound emotional control can be especially valuable when the temptation to turn to substances is at its peak.

Another promising outcome was the reduction of anxiety and depression through meditation. This implies that people can develop healthier mechanisms for coping with their emotions. The study also highlighted the effectiveness of combining meditation with other treatments or therapies. This combination approach enhances the recovery process, providing an extra support layer.

This study offers a promising solution in a world where addiction is a growing concern. Meditation is a relaxation technique and a path to healing and recovery. Our guide on the most popular types of meditation covers the basics for beginners in this domain. To conclude, meditation is a great technique for all ages and situations.


Adele Joanne
Adele Joanne
Adele Joanne is a content manager studying the effects of mindfulness on people in today's fast-changing society. Her eight-year experience in copywriting blends with her passion for meditation with a clear goal in mind: helping others live in the present moment one day at a time.

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