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Can Meditation Become Too Dangerous? Yes – Here’s How

“Moderation, including moderation.” Oscar Wilde’s phrase applies to meditation as much as living. Meditation may enhance mental and physical health, but risks and drawbacks exist.

Meditation may help those over 50 decrease stress and enhance their health. Meditation may help achieve these aims, but it can also be harmful. Meditation is harmful if done poorly or without assistance.

This blog article discusses meditation’s physical and mental health hazards. We will also teach you how to meditate safely and successfully.

Meditation may be harmful if done poorly or without direction, causing high blood pressure, disturbed sleep, unpleasant memories, and spiritual bypass. It’s vital to realize these hazards and meditate cautiously, getting advice from a trained instructor if needed.

This blog article will help you safely and efficiently meditate to get its numerous advantages. In conclusion, you’ll understand meditation’s risks and how to use it safely.

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Are There Any Physical Risks to Meditation?

Meditation has numerous health advantages, but like any practice, it may be dangerous if done incorrectly. I want to be honest with you. Sometimes this practice may cause musculoskeletal discomfort, lung dysfunction, and damage in persons over 45. Those are doctor’s findings, not mine!

Sitting cross-legged or lotus may strain the hips, knees, and ankles, causing musculoskeletal discomfort. Avoiding this discomfort requires appropriate posture and pauses to stretch and exercise.

Those over 45 with pre-existing respiratory disorders may have impaired lung function. Several meditation practices include deep breathing, which may produce dizziness, hyperventilation, and shortness of breath. Hence, moderation and medical advice are necessary before beginning a meditation habit.

Advanced meditation techniques like breath-holding and intricate positions may also cause damage. A certified instructor should supervise these procedures.

Two frequent meditation blunders may harm physical health. The first is disregarding physical cues like pain and pushing oneself. The second error is utilizing drinks or drugs to relax. Both are risky and ineffective.

According to a 2017 Journal of Psychopharmacology research, mindfulness meditation may worsen anxiety and sadness. Hence, if you have a mental health issue, you should visit a doctor and a trained instructor before beginning a meditation regimen.


What About Mental Health Risks?

If not done properly, meditation may have harmful impacts on mental health. As an American over 50, meditation should be approached cautiously due to these concerns.

Meditation may trigger suppressed trauma. Some find this soothing, while others find it overpowering and possibly harmful. Meditation may worsen trauma-related symptoms, according to a 2013 Journal of Traumatic Stress research.

Spiritual bypassing—using spirituality or meditation to sidestep emotional or psychological issues—is another possible drawback of meditation. This might mislead patients and worsen mental health issues. Spiritual bypassing was linked to increased anxiety and sadness in a 2010 Transpersonal Psychology research.

Meditation’s benefits may exceed its drawbacks when practiced responsibly and with instruction. If you’ve experienced trauma or mental illness, meditation should be done with care and under the supervision of a skilled instructor or therapist.

Meditation may improve mental health, but knowing the risks is crucial. Meditation may cause suppressed trauma and spiritual bypassing. Meditation should be done cautiously and with the help of a skilled instructor or therapist.



Meditation may improve mental health, but it also has hazards, particularly for those over 45 who have experienced trauma. Meditation may create trauma or worsen mental health issues.

Meditation might trigger traumatic memories or feelings. Meditation may help you uncover suppressed ideas and emotions. If these thoughts or sensations are tied to prior trauma, they might cause dread, worry, or panic.

Meditation may also induce trauma. If you’ve been abused physically or sexually, certain meditations concentrate on bodily feelings, which may be upsetting.

Meditation may harm mental health by setting an unreasonable expectation of quiet and tranquillity. This strain to maintain this condition might lead to dissatisfaction or failure when unpleasant emotions or ideas arise.

Meditation was linked to retraumatization in a 2018 PLoS One research. The research also indicated that meditation type was crucial to retraumatization risk. So, a skilled instructor is essential to assist you pick the proper meditation for your requirements.

In conclusion, meditation has numerous mental health advantages, but it is important to know the hazards and exercise moderation. Before beginning a meditation habit, visit a healthcare professional and a competent instructor if you have a history of trauma or mental illness. By doing so, you may safely experience the numerous advantages of meditation without retraumatizing or worsening mental health disorders.


Disruption of normal thought patterns

Meditation alters brain activity and cognitive processes, trust me on that. Meditation may alter awareness, allowing you to disconnect from your ideas and feelings. Others may feel confused, disoriented, and anxious due to this disconnection.

Some meditations concentrate on a particular item, idea, or experience, which might overemphasize specific thoughts or emotions. This might cause you to focus on particular ideas and feelings and ignore others.

Meditation may also harm mental health by repressing crucial ideas and feelings. Meditation helps reduce tension and anxiety, but you must also address the underlying causes of your negative thoughts and feelings. Suppressing these ideas and feelings might lead to unsolved concerns and mental health issues.

In 2018, the journal Mindfulness reported that mindfulness meditation might worsen anxiety and sadness. Accordingly, neuroticism might increase the risk of negative consequences. But does this mean you should give up?

Definitely not.

If you notice anything unusual, look for a guided meditation class or ask for an expert’s help. Just because you’re experiencing tough symptoms, it doesn’t mean that meditation is bad for you!

There are so many types of meditation it’s impossible not to find what’s right for you. Our post on the “8 Most Popular Types of Meditation” offers great insight into your top options. There, you’ll also find tips and tricks on choosing the right method for you!

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Psycho woman show hand in bed, dark smoky room on background. Psychedelic person having problems every night, depression and stress, sadness, psychiatry hospital
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False sense of enlightenment

Meditation’s reputation as a mental health cure makes it feel good. Meditation may soothe and relax individuals, leading them to think it can fix mental health issues. Meditation may reduce stress and anxiety, but it cannot treat mental illness.

Meditation may also be used to avoid addressing issues that may be causing mental health concerns. Meditation alone may overlook additional mental health treatments, such as counseling or medication.

In 2016, the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology reported that mindfulness-based therapies, including meditation, were no more effective than cognitive-behavioral therapy for treating sadness and anxiety in adults. Mindfulness-based therapies may be less beneficial for severe mental health disorders, the research revealed.

Meditation may cause “spiritual bypass,” a propensity to ignore undesirable feelings or circumstances. Enlightenment may distract people from addressing underlying issues that may be causing mental health disorders.


In conclusion, meditation is typically safe and useful, although there are risks. As an American over 50, you may want to try meditation to enhance your mental and physical health, but you should do so with a competent instructor.

Meditation may be harmful if done poorly or without direction, causing physical health issues like high blood pressure and sleep disturbances and mental health issues including evoking painful memories or spiritual bypass.

I’ve faced some of these risks. I started having panic attacks when meditating alone. I realized the need of correct meditation technique and direction after obtaining assistance from a reputable instructor.

Meditation requires an open mind and a readiness to learn. Get a competent instructor and discover suitable methods and tactics to safely and efficiently explore meditation’s numerous advantages.

Meditation improves mental and physical health, but it is not a cure. If you notice adverse effects, see a trained instructor and approach meditation with skepticism and care.

In conclusion, unguided meditation may be harmful. With proper instruction, meditation may improve mental and physical health. You may safely and successfully explore meditation’s numerous advantages by approaching it with care, getting direction from a trained instructor, and being open to new ways.

Passionate about cognitive psychology and data research, Tudor aims to highlight the importance of prioritizing self-care regardless of age, gender, or nationality. For over two years, he has been prioritizing extensive research in mindfulness and meditation techniques delivered to everyday people in a simple, meaningful manner.

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