6 Simple Habits That Boost Your Concentration at Any Age

Are you having trouble focusing lately? Concentration is essential for success, whether you’re studying, working, or simply trying to remain focused. However,  modern-day distractions make it hard to concentrate, right?

Well, in this post, I want to show you 5 quick activities that might help you remain focused, meet deadlines, or to stay organized.

In today’s fast-paced environment, finding time for yourself is hard. Luckily, each practice below is intended to fit into your regular schedule. You can squeeze in morning meditation or lunchtime yoga without stressing yourself.

Bonus perk? The list includes fun games, too, so let’s get started!

Easy Exercises
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Why are these habits so important?

The brain naturally slows down as we age. This makes it harder to focus, remember, or solve new tasks in the long run. For example, age-related declines in neurotransmitters like dopamine may impair your main cognitive functions.

Of course, problems like sleep difficulties and chronic pain may all affect focus as we age too. Lastly, smoking, heavy alcohol use, and some drugs may also impair focus.

The solution? Create smarter habits that keep you mentally healthy.

For example, physical activity increases cerebral blood flow, delivering oxygen and nutrients for optimum brain function. Meanwhile, playing fun games with your loved ones promotes the production of brain chemicals like endorphins and dopamine, which boost happiness and cognition. Exercise also reduces tension and anxiety, improving your attention.

Without further ado, let’s find out my top recommendations:



Meditation helps you concentrate by quieting the mind and focusing on the present. Meditation improves cognitive function and attention span. It may also lower tension and anxiety, which can be substantial concentration killers. Guided meditation applications and local meditation centers may assist beginners in starting meditation.

For example, you can try the Pomodoro Method. Francesco Cirillo invented the Pomodoro Method in the late 1980s. Set a timer for 25 minutes and work till it goes off. Following each “Pomodoro” session, you take a five-minute break before commencing another.

Regular breaks help you remain focused and avoid burnout. Cirillo dubbed the system after his tomato-shaped kitchen timer.  It may also help you fulfill deadlines and keep organized.


Practice sports

Physical exercise boosts cerebral blood flow and focus. Exercise improves cognition, mainly focus and attention. Several activities might improve focus depending on your age, fitness level, and interests.

Some physical workouts may improve concentration:

Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise improves cognition, especially focus. Running, cycling, and swimming are aerobic exercises. Here are some other recommendations that might work wonders:

  • Yoga: Mindful movement and attention develop with yoga.
  • Tai chi: This ancient Chinese martial technique improves attention and relaxation with slow, flowing motions and deep breathing.
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT): Short bursts of intensive exertion followed by brief rests. It boosts brain health-promoting BDNF and cognitive performance.
  • Resistance training: Weightlifting or other resistance exercises may boost BDNF and cognitive performance.
Get enough sleep
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Without adequate sleep, your brain can’t absorb and integrate new knowledge, making it harder to focus and remember. Moreover, sleep deprivation may cause irritation, exhaustion, and problem-solving issues that impair focus.

People require 7-9 hours of sleep to operate well. Having problems sleeping? Try these simple habits:

  • Set a daily bedtime and waketime.
  • Make bedtime relaxing: Eliminate electronics and other stimulating activities before night and relax with reading or a warm bath.
  • Use a comfy mattress and pillows in a calm, dark, and quiet bedroom.
  • Caffeine and alcohol may alter sleep patterns and make it difficult to fall asleep.


Take Short Breaks

Breaks boost attention and productivity. Mental tiredness from lengthy shifts may make it harder to focus and work regardless of your tasks.

Here are some of the most effective ways to take a break:

  • Walk: A quick stroll helps clear your thoughts and increase awareness.
  • Try something fun: Enjoying quick activities during your break, such as reading or playing a game, might help you concentrate when you return to work.
  • Take a power nap: Studies show that a 20–30-minute snooze might boost alertness and attention.

In addition, the Eisenhower Matrix or Eisenhower Box helps you prioritize work by priority and urgency. If you want more tips on creating to-do lists to manage your priorities, I highly recommend our post on How to Create The Perfect To-Do List!


Play Memory Games

Memory games and puzzles can improve your attention and concentration big time.

Brain-challenging exercises increase memory and cognition. Word association, matching, and memory cards are great choices! In addition, activities like crosswords, sudoku, and jigsaw puzzles also promote attention and focus.

All in all, memory games and puzzles may increase attention and brain activity over time. These exercises may reduce cognitive deterioration in seniors. These simple practices boost brain health and function for all ages.


Stay Mindful

Ah, my personal favorite. Mindfulness is obviously the reason why I started this blog, as this practice changed my life.

Mindfulness meditation improves attention and working memory in older individuals, according to a Consciousness and Cognition study. During the research,  26 healthy older individuals completed an eight-week mindfulness meditation program. Participants’ attention and working memory improved significantly after the training, suggesting that mindfulness may help reverse age-related cognitive decline.

In another Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease research, mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) improved cognitive performance and reduced stress in older persons with moderate cognitive impairment. The  14 older participants completed an eight-week MBSR training in the research. The program improved memory, attention, and other key cognitive functions.

Sitting in solitude and focusing on your breath for a few minutes daily may help you practice mindfulness. There are many apps and workshops for elderly individuals looking for guided meditation too. Of course, here at Mindful Captain you also find plenty of valuable resources on the topic!


Your Takeaway

Concentration is essential to success in all areas of your life. The simple tips in this post should help you stay focused and boost key cognitive functions regardless of age, gender, or culture.

Of course, I know everyone’s schedule is different, so please take time for yourself and your emotional and physical wellness. Self-care isn’t selfish— it’s necessary for your health.

So take deep breaths and start these activities now. You’ll thank yourself later!

P.S.: Do you have any recommendations or experiences to share with us? If so, please use the comment section below and we’ll get back to you ASAP!

Read also: 7 Surprising Tricks That Instantly Boost Your Concentration

Passionate about cognitive psychology and data research, Tudor aims to highlight the importance of prioritizing self-care regardless of age, gender, or nationality. For over two years, he has been prioritizing extensive research in mindfulness and meditation techniques delivered to everyday people in a simple, meaningful manner.

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